For LinkedIn Authentication I have utilized LinkedIn Rest API which use oAuth 1.0 to authorize users and begin making REST API calls using any programming language. Complete understanding tutorials are placed at
Following are the steps to implement LinkedIn Authentication in ASP.Net
Step 1 Installations
Install Hammock Library from, Hammock is a REST library for .Net that greatly simplifies consuming Restful services.
Configure NuGet (optional to ease referencing code plex libraries directly in Visual Studio project). You can also get the NuGet from
Step 2 Create LinkedIn Application in LinkedIn developer platform
Go to
Sign in with your LinkedIn credentials.
Click on Add New Application and fill in the form.
Once your application is created note the API Key and Secret Key that we will use to implement LinkedIn authentication in our application.
Step 3 Create ASP.Net Application
Open Visual Studio and create a new Web Application project.
Add references to Hammock library either by manually referencing from folder or just referencing through NuGet in Visual Studio Directly as shown below.
void RequestTokenAndAuthorize()
var credentials = new Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthCredentials
CallbackUrl = “http://localhost/LinkedInAuthWebSite/Callback.aspx”,
ConsumerKey = “API Key”,
ConsumerSecret = “Secret Key”,
Type = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthType.RequestToken
var client = new Hammock.RestClient
Authority = “”, Credentials = credentials };
var request = new Hammock.RestRequest { Path = “requestToken” };
Hammock.RestResponse response = client.Request(request);
String[] strResponseAttributes = response.Content.Split(‘&’);
string token = strResponseAttributes[0].Substring(strResponseAttributes[0].LastIndexOf(‘=’) + 1);
string authToken = strResponseAttributes[1].Substring(strResponseAttributes[1].LastIndexOf(‘=’) + 1);
Session[“Token”] = token;
Session[“TokenSecret”] = authToken;
Response.Redirect(“” + token);
CallBack URL will be called when the authorization is successfully done by LinkedIn.
Now Create a CallBack page where the callback takes place when the authorization is done after successful login. In my case I have created a Callback.aspx.
In the Callback page place following code in the Page_Load method.
void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
String verifier = Request.QueryString[“oauth_verifier”].ToString();
Session[“Verifier”] = verifier;
var credentials = new Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthCredentials
ConsumerKey = “API Key”,
ConsumerSecret = “Secret Key”,
Token = Session[“Token”].ToString(),
TokenSecret = Session[“TokenSecret”].ToString(),
Verifier = verifier,
Type = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthType.AccessToken,
ParameterHandling = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthParameterHandling.HttpAuthorizationHeader,
SignatureMethod = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthSignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
Version = “1.0″
var client = new
RestClient { Authority = “”, Credentials = credentials, Method = WebMethod.Post };
var request = new
RestRequest { Path = “accessToken” };
RestResponse response = client.Request(request);
String[] strResponseAttributes = response.Content.Split(‘&’);
string token = strResponseAttributes[0].Substring(strResponseAttributes[0].LastIndexOf(‘=’) + 1);
string authToken = strResponseAttributes[1].Substring(strResponseAttributes[1].LastIndexOf(‘=’) + 1);
Session[“AccessToken”] = token;
Session[“AccessSecretToken”] = authToken;
GetUserProfile method is used to get the Logged in User First Name and Last name to display on Callback page.
void GetUserProfile()
var request = new
Path = “~”
var credentials = new Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthCredentials
Type = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthType.AccessToken,
SignatureMethod = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthSignatureMethod.HmacSha1,
ParameterHandling = Hammock.Authentication.OAuth.OAuthParameterHandling.HttpAuthorizationHeader,
ConsumerKey = “API Key”,
ConsumerSecret = “Secret Key”,
Token = Session[“AccessToken”].ToString(),
TokenSecret = Session[“AccessSecretToken”].ToString(),
Verifier = Session[“Verifier”].ToString()
var client = new
Authority = “”, Credentials = credentials, Method = WebMethod.Get
var MyInfo = client.Request(request);
String content = MyInfo.Content.ToString();
var person = from c in
select c;
String fullName=String.Empty;
foreach (var element in person)
if((element.Name == “first-name”) || (element.Name==“last-name”))
fullName += element.Value.ToString();
lblName.Text = fullName;
Step 4 Run the Application
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